A year of travel from Morocco to France

Starting with a semester in Morocco, a short trip home then the following semester in France, it looks like I'll be out of the country more than in this year!

Monday, August 30, 2010

French? English? It doesn't matter to meee!

So I made it safe and sound to Rabat (not for lack of adventure)! There were a few moments when I wasn't sure how things were gonna go, but I'm here! everyone is soo nice qnd ,y french is definitely saving me. I'll tell today's story tomorrow but I just wanted everyone to know that I'm safe and with my program =)

Sunday, August 29, 2010


So I made it to Paris in one piece with all of my bags (so far). I landed at 5:30am here which means that I got to see the sunrise in Paris! Granted it would have been cooler from the eiffel tower or something, but the airport is pretty cool! I was really grateful for the empty seat next to me on the flight because I'm pretty sure I snored and drooled the whole time I slept. I got a few funny looks from the people in front of me and a flight attendant...

So I'm already at my terminal for my flight to Rabat but I have about 4 hours before we even board. All I can say is thank God for Jane Austen! Bringing Persuasion was probably the best decision I ever made.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

And maybe not?

So I was all prepared to leave today. My bags have been packed, I said good bye to my sister (one of the hardest goodbyes!) and Jason had come down from VT and drove me to the airport. I got all the way to the baggage line and turned, preparing myself for a tearful goodbye, when the lady at the end of the line calls me over and asked me if I was flying airfrance. She quickly proceeded to tell me that my flight has been postponed. The soonest flight i can jump on is the 5pm flight. Thank God both flights are with airfrance because they switched both of them. So luckily Jason called SIT and gave me the phone so they are emailing my program directors with my new itinerary and worse comes to worse I'll take a cab to the hotel we're staying at for orientation. sooo my game plan for tomorrow is to stay in my pajamas for as long as possible then try again!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gettin Ready to Gooo!!

So I fly out Saturday from Boston and I've been packed since Aug 2 (I went a little overboard on being prepared!) I've said most of my good byes and I'm almost ready to go... or at least as ready as I'll ever be! I'm ready to go with all of my stuff and everything but it seems like I've saved the hardest goodbyes for last. But I leave Boston tomorrow night and I land in Paris on Sunday afternoon and then fly out to Rabat, Morocco (AHHH!)
Btw my skype name is ehenegan and I'm going to try to be on there as much as possible but
email may be the easiest...
I'm off on a crazy adventure so wish me luck =)